Edit Your Copy for Messaging

1. Make sure your copy includes all the critical messages. Did you miss a relevant benefit or feature? Tie features to benefits or outcomes.

2. Go over your sales objections list. Make sure your copy is answering every objection. At least the ones you have discovered during the research phase.

3. Your headline must get attention and select the right audience. The headline must touch your prospects at their awareness point at that moment. Make sure it focuses on what the prospect gets and is clear. Remember that a great headline is Unique, Ultra-Specific, conveys Urgency, and is Useful.

4. Do you have the right testimonials in the right place? “I love it!!” means nothing. If you have one of those, get rid of it. A good testimonial demonstrates that you have solved a real problem for a real customer. They have to show the benefit(s) behind the product, and how it has helped the user solve a specific problem. The more specific and focus the testimonial, the better.

5. Make sure to summarize the value of the testimonial by writing a header that introduces each testimonial. Choose the best part of it to reinforce that message.

6. Don’t forget your CTA. Your call to action should be clear and explicit. Make sure the reader knows what to do next. Use click-triggers near your CTAs. A click-trigger is a message positioned near the main call to action that compels visitors to click on the button. These messages tell visitors what will happen after clicking on the button and how much work is involved.