Edit Your Copy for Heightened Emotion

There is an emotional reason behind every purchase. It is crucial to understand the emotional drivers, the reasons why people buy from you. Your copy should trigger specific emotions in your prospects.

When you are editing, make sure those emotions are in your copy.

Ask yourself, “Is your copy about the customer or about you and your product?”

Read your copy and pay attention to the following:

  • Does your copy focus on providing value to your customer or your product’s features and benefits? Make sure your copy focuses on the value you provide to your customer, not on you and how good your product is.
  • Does your message focus on what your customer is currently feeling or wants to feel? You can start your copy by showing what people are currently feeling (their pain, the before) or with what they want to feel (the promise, the after). Either way, make sure the emotions you want to show are there.
  • Are you using the right words to bring out the emotions you want to create on the page? Look for words like “us”, “our”, your brand name… if they appear in your copy constantly, you are making it about you, not your customer. Replace us/our with you/your.
  • Are the testimonials addressing people’s concerns or hesitations? Make sure you use testimonials addressing every concern and hesitation your prospects may have. Avoid self-praise testimonials.

Now, take a look at your design. It should support your copy.

Does the design support your emotional strategy?

Some things you need to check:

  • The images need to feel real, relatable, and authentic. Customers want to see people like them.
  • Make sure there’s no visual noise. The text should be easy to read.
  • Make sure your copy looks good on mobile. Our intent, needs, and emotions may be different when we are on mobile. Sometimes it is necessary to create another version for it.
  • Color on the page and buttons is important. Know what specific colors symbolize for your customers, the emotions they feel toward a color.
  • Does your page pass the 5-second test? Ask people what emotions they feel. Is it the same emotion you wanted to create?