Bob Stone's Seven-Steps Copywriting Formula, “Bob Stone’s Gem”

It's a formula created specifically for sales pages and other direct-response advertisements.

Step 1. Begin with your strongest benefit.
Use your headline or the first paragraph to make a promise based on your most important benefit.

Step 2. Expand upon the benefit from step 1
Make that benefit difficult to ignore by describing the positive impact it can make on your reader's life. Build interest fast by avoiding warm-up copy and backstory.

Step 3. State explicitly what the reader will get
Explain in detail the tangibles (features) and intangibles (changes in the reader's life) your reader will get. Don’t assume your reader knows your product as well as you do.

Step 4. Support step 3 with proof
Back up step 3 with social proof, testimonials, reviews, demonstrations, awards, case studies, and statistics.

Step 5. Tell the reader what's the cost of inaction
Help the reader realize that he will be miserable if he does not take action. Hit major pain points.

Step 6. Create anticipation
In order to prepare the customer for the close, restate your competitive major benefits. It's your last opportunity to sum up the value of your product. Intensify the desire to have it.

Step 7. Convince the reader to take immediate action
Tell the reader what to do next. Keep the call-to-action simple and direct.