How to Use On-Site Surveys to Improve Your Web Copy

Thinking about improving your web copy? On-site surveys are great for real-time feedback.

Let’s see how to use them.

STEP 1 — Define a clear and specific goal for your survey. You’ll know what data to collect and why.

STEP 2 — Consider the following:

  • Who is going to see the survey? (First-time visitors, second-time visitors…) The answer helps you qualify the visitor.
  • Where do you want to show it? Choose pages with copy you want to improve.
  • When do you want to show it? So you can ask the right question at the right time.

STEP 3 — Write down specific questions you want to ask. Don’t ask more than 1 or 2 questions.

Questions you can ask and their purpose

“Which of these best describes you?” Follow by two, three, or four options to choose from.

Purpose — Identify where on the customer journey the visitor is.

“What do you currently use to accomplish [task or goal]?”

Purpose — Identify what people have tried so far to solve the problem.

“Is there anything you dislike or want to change about how you currently accomplish this [task or goal]?”

Purpose — Give you insights into the kind of problem your visitor hopes to solve on your page.

“What matters the most to you when you’re choosing this type of solution, like [name of the service]?”

Purpose — Find out what features they love the most.

“Is there anything holding you back from trying this company or this product right now?”

Purpose — Learn about their hesitations, what is holding them back right now.

Where to show your on-site survey

  • Homepage — Get users’ first impressions of your site.
  • Landing page — On pages such as pricing, product, and shopping cart.
  • Success page — Perfect to ask, “Why do you have chosen us over our competitors?”
  • Pages with high exit rates — Learn why your visitors are leaving your site.
  • Cancellation, downgrade, or churn pages — Crucial pages for SaaS and subscription services.